Everything Horses and Livestock® Magazine May 2017 Vol 2 Issue 2
Everything Horses and Livestock Magazine ®
Continued from Page 16
weekend to spend time working with us and the horses. Meet Trevor and his new special project, Charlie Brown the service pony! Trevor will be training Charlie Brown to work with kids at hospitals,
Living Life Ranch team members Jayne Hamilton and Leigh Sites both worked with their favorite
schools and other service needs. We love this sweet little guy. He is already making children smile. Please Come and Enjoy the journey with us. Living Life Ranch ~ Melissa Cowan We are taking one day at a time, going with the flow. God is in control and we trust him in our journey.
horses. Jayne worked with her buddy Jasper and Leigh worked alongside with Skip. Leigh is going to be working with Skip this summer. We brought him along to give them the opportunity to have a little relationship-building time. Thanks to Cal and Kim Noyons for taking the
Contact us at 913-731-5579 www.LivingLifeRanch.com contact@livingliferanch.com
Everything Horses and Livestock® | May 2017 | EHALmagazine.com
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