Everything Horses and Livestock® Magazine February 2018 Vol 3 Issue 1
Everything Horses and Livestock Magazine ®
# 3: If Applied to Your Life, the Bible Gives Us Everything We Need to Live for Jesus! My prayer, as you continue to study 2 Timothy 3 and the rest of the Scriptures you will realize, if you haven’t already, that the study and application of the Word of God is the most basic element of becoming a “NFR caliber Christian”. Study the Word daily; find a local church that lifts up the Word; and encourage your friends and family with the Word and you’ll see your relationship with Jesus grow exponentially! Be Blessed! Cory Young www.GoldenSpur.Org Cory@GoldenSpur.Org 816-260-8583
the same with our study of the Word...we need to be taught what we are doing wrong and the Word is our basis for this. It usually comes in the form of a friend, spouse, pastor or, ultimately, the Holy Spirit’s conviction. Without a Biblical rebuke we will never grow in our relationship with the Lord. Receive a Godly rebuke! 3. The Word is Useful for Correcting. Correction is essentially taking a rebuke and changing the problem based on the teaching of the Bible. Biblical correction is essential for a right relationship with Christ. Correct your mistakes! 4. The Word is Useful for Training in Righteousness. Training in righteousness is taking the teaching of the Bible (in light of Godly rebuke and Biblical correction) and making
it a habit. Forming a habit is what training is all about. My father, who was a police officer in Kansas City, constantly trained with his firearm. The point was so that when he needed his sidearm he could unholster, ready the weapon, and take aim all without thinking about it. He had done it so much it was just habit. The point...create Godly habits! Paul closes this passage by saying that should you apply the God-breathed Word to your life in these four areas you might be “thoroughly equipped for every good work.” That’s a pretty bold statement. Do you want to be equipped for everything that the Lord wants for your life and relationship with him? If so, you need to study the Word, receive tough rebuke, change your behavior, and train to build Godly habits. In short, Lesson
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