Everything Horses and Livestock® Magazine February 2018 Vol 3 Issue 1
Inside ASHA American Stock Horse Association
A re you looking for something fun, friendly and exciting to experience with your horse? You may be an entry-level rider, someone who has ridden your entire life, or a professional in the horse industry looking to to improve. The American Stock Horse Association is dedicated to preserving western traditions and offers an atmosphere that is not typical of horse shows. The Board of Directors are devoted to creating a venue that is out of the horse show box. WHAT IS ASHA? ASHA is an International Horse Association, with affiliates in North America and Europe, that takes great CARE in their membership.
C - Clinics At Each Event A - All Breeds are Welcome R - Rewarding through Positive Scoring System E - Educational
The versatility based show concept promotes the Stock Horse. You may be asking yourself what is a stock horse? ASHA defines the stock horse as a working and usable horse designed and trained to perform a job. This horse is a jack of all trades and is not limited to one breed. ASHA is open to ALL breeds, including mules, gated horses and ponies.
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