Everything Horses and Livestock® Magazine February 2018 Vol 3 Issue 1
Everything Horses and Livestock Magazine ®
eyelashes I think that was the first time I had ever had that happen that I can remember. I know we need this moisture but, Burr…. We are still working away on our Bible Studies with the Mentor Group, we horse around enjoying the winter from inside the house. We completed our first study on Discipleship. Now, we have started a new one Jesus: “Listening for his voice.” This is a study of Mark 7-13. We have been celebrating life with others, during the holidays we hosted a Christmas party with a sock exchange and games. There has been plenty going on for the Fuel and Journey students.
Listen carefully to His words, beloved of God, as it will prepare you for challenging days ahead. Remember Jesus is there for you in every crisis. You can live as a conquer through Him who loves you. (Romans 8:37-39) We all go through challenges calm when you think I would be in a
panic. Or I would begin to panic and turn to him in prayer and he would provide comfort. If we remember him and listen to him in time of crisis or any time actually, he will give the strength to conquer whatever it is you are going through. I wanted to share this with you because I feel there is someone that needs to hear this and listen to God, get in his word and pray with him about whatever it is troubling you. Winter has set in for us Kansas folks. The Living Life Ranch horses did not lie when their early winter coats arrived sooner than usual. I had doubting moments, but those have come and gone. Lately, with these recent temperatures, I am bundling up with as many layers as possible in hopes that I am still can walk and get the chores done. I feel like I could pass for the Michelin Man. One day I , had frost on my
in our life. Trevor the Warrior pictured to the left with Scooter, knows what I am talking about he has faced so
many challenges that started since the day he was born. He will tell you himself that Jesus pulls him through. Sometimes we can have something occur so tough that you feel like you can’t breathe from fear, whether it is a health issue, a horrible conflict with someone, A dispute with someone you love, or a death. In my own experiences, this verse has helped me get through crises big or small. God has provided me with peace at times you wouldn’t expect. I would be
This past week we found a recipe for horse treats so we decided to give a try. This was easy and fun! The horses LOVE the treats! I will include the recipe at the bottom of this article.
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