Everything Horses and Livestock® Magazine February 2018 Vol 3 Issue 1
Everything Horses and Livestock Magazine ®
more room. 9.
well. 7.
Extended Kit (optional). Now if you are gone a lot and or
Nail clincher and nail nipper. If you do ever have to
Remember, without use, your tools will tend to get rusty. It is a good idea to keep some WD- 40 in your kit as well. Duct tape and vet wrap are also a good idea. If you lose a shoe duct tape and vet wrap can make an improvised boot to protect the hoof until other arrangements can be made. Now this is a list of things to have on hand but by no means a tutorial on how to properly use these tools. It is always a good idea to educate yourself for the unexpected. If you want to learn more ask your farrier about paying for a few moments of his time to give you some pointers. Watch for future how to articles right here in EHAL.
frequent remote areas with your horses it may not be a bad idea to have a few extra shoes and a way to shape them. I have leveled my fair share of lost shoes on a receiver hitch but it’s less than ideal. You would need a shaping hammer, small anvil, or stall jack. A stall jack is a small piece of heavy flat steel with legs and turning cams designed for shaping a shoe. 10. Hoof Nippers (optional). Unless you plan on trimming your own horses’ hooves they may not be necessary in your kit. I wouldn’t pass the opportunity to pick up a set. You never know. You’ll need something to keep your tools in. A well-made tool bag or tool box work great.
tack a shoe on you will need to clinch your nails. Nail nippers are used to clip the excess nail after driving them. Again, inexpensive versions of these are available. 8. Hoof stand (optional).
Now, so far, the equipment mentioned does not take up much room. A hoof stand is nice to have on hand but will t
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