Everything Horses and Livestock® Magazine February 2018 Vol 3 Issue 1
Everything Horses and Livestock Magazine ®
Continued from Page 47
have to pick up a new skillset so we can have Sierra take the children and adults on a carriage ride. If we can raise funds for the carriage. How fun will that be!
horses, she is kind and patient understanding what each horse needs. We started with Bella and Jasper, they are coming along nicely, it is exciting to see how far they are coming along. Jasper had a rougher time here and there in the beginning, but he is coming out of his struggles. Derby and Rio are waiting their turn. This spring is going to be busy keeping these horses tuned up, hours under the saddle and thank goodness we have help, because this is only the beginning. If you would like to contact Lesley her contact information can be located at www.janssenstables. com I have signed up for several courses to take over the next few months. Fundraising, Grant writing and other Non-Profit related training. We have a presentation that we are going to launch soon, but first we must develop a LLR video. The plan is to get this completed in the Spring. The fundraising is critical, because we need all the help we can get for this program. If it is God’s will for us to relocate he will bring us the opportunity, in the mean time we will keep going and growing as we can here. We will serve as he wishes and I will try to be quiet so I can hear him guide me. Those that know me, keeping quiet is not an easy task . Living Life Ranch- Melissa Cowan-913-731-5579
her humans, beginners and advanced, she is also trained as a Carriage horse. From the day, we met she acts like she belongs here with us. Loves her stall and paddock but is not so pleased with her neighbors. She fusses at Skip, Derby and Rio letting them know that she is a no nonsense girl! At one point, it sounded like we were raising elephants out here! All the racket, who knew horses can make so many different squeals squawks and grunts! This made me laugh a few times!
Sierra going for a test drive
We made another decision this fall. With the help of dear friend’s financial support, we are able put Bella, Derby, Rio and Jasper in a training program. Due to their age, we were not sure what the outcome would be. After prayer, tons of research, speaking to experts all over Kansas and then other parts of the country trainers and breeders I talked to folks from Tennessee, Kentucky and Washington to gather as much knowledge on training these horses as I could muster. After speaking with numerous trainers that had experience working with Rocky Mountain Horses we decided to take the chance. Everyone that has worked with Rocky Mountains repeatedly told me “they are like no other horse.” After listening to all the folks on this topic and stories about older horses being trained. We felt we needed to give them the chance. Lesley Janssen, Owner and trainer of Janssen Stables offered to assist us with the Rockies. Lesley is doing a wonderful job with
I researched her back ground a bit, from what I can tell; Sierra was born in Iowa, purchased at 9 months by a woman from Minnesota she was with her until she was 14. Her owner became terminally ill and had to find her a home so she was sold to a friend and ended up in Missouri for 3 years, now she is here with us in Kansas. She is the first Rocky Mountain I have ever ridden and I loved it! None of us at LLR know a thing about driving so it looks like someone is going to
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