Everything Horses and Livestock® Magazine February 2018 Vol 3 Issue 1
Everything Horses and Livestock Magazine ®
I t’s about to be our favorite time of the year, pig sale season. We love visiting with new and old customers here at the farm and at sales. It’s time to start thinking about your show pig project. Before you select your pig this spring you will need to make sure you have a pen set up. You can have your pigs on dirt, sand, or concrete. I prefer to have our show pigs on concrete with shavings about 4-6 inches
deep. If you have them outside on dirt or sand make sure you have shelter for them to get out of the weather. You will need to have a clean supply of fresh water and feed. When you start feeding your pigs you can have them on a self-feeder or clip on feeder that hooks to the fence. If you do use a clip on feeder make sure you feed your animal a couple times daily. Be sure to raise the feeder throughout their growing cycle. This will help
train your pig to keep its head held high during the show.
There are several great feed companies out there. I would recommend finding a brand of feed you like and stick with it year round. Normally when we get baby pigs home we start them on an 18-20% protein depending on their nutritional needs. When it gets closer to fair drop them down on protein to a 16% feed. You can also
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