Equifest of Kansas 2024
ment and Revitalization. Ruben is also a coach and trainer for the sport of basketball. Ruben is an extraordinary speaker and narrator of Native American traditions. He has served as a distinguished announcer for the largest pow wow in North America, Gathering of Nations, since 2010. With vitality he reaches into the heart of what a celebration of tradition is all about. His enthusiasm and passion for uniting nations and making everyone feel welcome is infectious. Ruben gives 110% to every event. “As an emcee, when your voice carries, it can also heal, and it can brighten up someone’s day. It helps the drummers to get into it, the dancers to get into it -- people just feel good there. And it feels good knowing that we’re still carrying out our native traditions.”
Enjoy the talented Ruben Little Head Jr performing the Horse Dance during Celebrate EquiFest-World of Horses. The Sacred Horse Dance is a traditional ceremony per formed by many Native American tribes to honor the spirits of horses and thank them for their assistance in daily life. The dance often involves intricate footwork and colorful costumes, with participants hoping to show respect for the animals and gain their favor. CELEBRATE EQUIFEST-WORLD OF HORSES Thursday w 7:00 w TPEC Arena One Night Only, Don't Miss Celebrate EquiFest- World of Horses, a spectacular show of horsemanship, humor, tra ditions & talent. Ruben Little Head's family will perform the sacred Horse Dance.
NOELLA RED HAWK Noella Red Hawk is from the Seminole Nation. Noella is a “Champion” Women’s Northern Traditional dancer. She travels throughout the world teaching about Indigenous culture and traditions. At home, Noella is involved in the horse training process and takes great pride to imple
ment Lakota Horsemanship concepts and proper nutrition for the overall well being of their horses. Noella has been recognized in the Appaloosa magazine for her beadwork display on former Miss Rodeo Montana. Noella is a Native American artist. She spends most of her time doing bead word, making traditional regalia, and doing mixed media art. Noella also enjoys cooking native food. CELEBRATE EQUIFEST-WORLD OF HORSES Thursday w 7:00 w TPEC Arena Friday w 11:45 w TPEC Arena w Breed Demo Friday w 1:45 w 4H Stage w Native American Traditions & Q&A
Ruben Little Head, Northern Cheyenne, was brought up speaking his native language and learning a lot from his Cheyenne elders. Originally from Tongue River and Lame Deer, MT, Ruben was taught a lot about the drum, such as respect, protocol, etiquette, and different mannerisms. Currently, Ruben lives in Lawrence, Kansas. He is a grad uate of Haskell Indian Nations University, and he works as an Independent tribal consultant with various US tribal organizations and Canadian First Nations. Most of his work is within the capacities of Development, Empower
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