Everything Horses and Livestock® Magazine August 2021 Vol 6 Issue 3

Everything Horses and Livestock Magazine ®

dinner which was a big thrill for me. You have to understand the fact that even though I have been singing for a good portion of my life, I am a “3 chords and a capo” guitar player and was a little intimidated playing and singing next to Del! For the televised ride, the ranch maintenance manager was tasked with having the video crew (composed mainly of Shevawn, Gary and Gloria) in position for each shot as we navigated river crossings and emerged from different spots in the woods. DJ did have a go-pro on the trails for a few shots in the wooded areas. The maintenance manager and I had gone over a preset trail route and had agreed on set spots for stills and videos. While we were pretty deep in the woods, I remembered that Del had mentioned an interest

in seeing the memorial to Terry Carroll (the founder and builder of the ranch). Terry had actually died out on one of the trails preparing it for a scavenger hunt ride and the spot of his death is honored with a memorial on that trail. In my mind, I thought we could make a short detour in our planned route allowing us to go by the memorial and still come out close to the predetermined spot. So much for my navigational skills! We ended up going nearly a mile out of the way and as soon as I received a cell signal on the trail I was greeted with numerous messages of “where are you?”, “we haven’t heard from you in half an hour” and “are we in the wrong spot?”! After some sincere apologies and a repositioning of the entire

set of cameras plus a drone, things were back to normal and the production proceeded as normal. This was all an amazingly great experience made easier by a very gracious BOA staff. I now understand that the “seamless” activities and trail ride that you see on TV are the result of many hours of footage and a lot of detailed work by an excellent staff from Best of America. I hope you truly enjoy the production that has come out of our efforts. Watch the schedule for RFD-TV for the airing of our show in early fall. Ed McCarty, Ranch Manager, North Fork River Ranch

Everything Horses and Livestock® | August 2021 | EHALmagazine.com 34

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