Everything Horses and Livestock® Magazine Feb 2020 Vol 5 Issue 1
Everything Horses and Livestock Magazine ®
environment for Eva to grow and learn. She is doing amazing work like the physically demanding task of riding a horse, working her core muscles and helping tone her body and the effort it takes to communicate her wants and needs. Eva is becoming more verbal, signing “Walk-on” and sometimes saying “Go!” With her instructor, Ms. Jessica,creatively integrating academics into Eva’s lesson, she is currently working hard to master letter identification. She is answering questions with definite and intentional responses, helping to make decisions about what is next in the lesson or helping the NHR Staff know when she is “All done.” The work Eva is doing isn’t “all done” though –
SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL ON THE HORIZON! You have heard it said that good things are worth waiting for...that is true in life, in horse training, and in the progress that happens at an amazing little ranch called New Horizon Ranch! New Horizon Ranch (NHR) is an equine assisted activities and therapies center located in Rantoul, Kansas, in rural Franklin County. NHR partners with horses to provide activities, education and therapies which encourage personal growth and development for children, youth and adults with cognitive, physical, emotional or learning challenges, youth-at-risk and veterans. Riding and interaction with horses unlocks potential; opening opportunities to improve physical strength, balance, motor skills, communication, character skills, problem solving, emotional regulation and academic achievement. This creative approach encourages confidence, development and positive outcomes in participants like Eva. Eva began riding at the ranch when she was only 2 years old, as part of the Hippotherapy program. She is a wonderful, vivacious, little, first grader and a delight to have in lessons. Watching her today and seeing her smile as she rides her best horse, JJ, you would never know that she originally wasn’t feeling this whole “horse thing” when she started! (…let’s just say her first big obstacle was overcoming some separation anxiety when leaving her momma!) But the ranch has been a safe (and fun)
“The whole crew (and horses) at NHR are so wonderful! They have true servant hearts and have worked very hard to make sure we have been able to continue to ride! Our daughter has Down Syndrome and wasn’t fond at first, but we didn’t give up and she has finally come around! They make me feel like they care about my daughter’s progress in life as much as I do! Great organization!”
Tara S., Eva’s mom
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