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Being raised by an Avid Outdoor Sports Writer, it was only natural for me to start our Magazine, Everything Horses and Livestock ®. In my youth, I talked with my father about writing some small books on living off the land in our
area and caring for animals.
Out of high school, I gave riding lessons, trained horses, boarded, produced a variety of events and sold items from my own retail business, while also working for others. I wrote articles on proper feeding and horse management for magazines, websites and newsletters. It was very enjoyable to listen to my father edit them for me. He said, “It’s good to write how you feel, what you believe, just get rid of the extra words!” My father and I never got around to writing our booklets before he passed away November 1, 2009. I have many fond memories of my father and our time together. My passion is proper care and feeding of all animals and helping others enjoy their ride. Our family loves to hunt, ride and team rope. Flip through our pages. Enjoy articles, photographs, cartoons, word search, & fun news! This magazine is dedicated to my dad, mom, sisters, husband, son, family, friends, and everyone out there enjoying the ride! ~Jana T. Harrington Barcus He worked at the same publishing company for 62 years.
4 Learn Some Trick Riding Landen James 6 People Of Fear Cory Young 11 Pockets For A Purpose Desiree Garcia 12 Kansas Pioneer Pamela Hennigh 14 Dental Care Ed McCarty 16 Living Life Ranch Melissa Cowan 19 Trail Chatter Erin Glassman 36 BCHKS Trail Repair Jim Thomas
Editor/Publisher; Jana Barcus Editing/Setup; Desiree Garcia Call Us to Advertise: Desiree Garcia 785-430-8408 Jana Barcus 913-333-2657 Melissa Cowan 913-731-5579 Gerri Groshong 913-515-5943
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Everything Horses and Livestock is distributed across the US and on the world wide web. No material from this publication may be copied or in any way reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Neither the advertisers nor Everything Horses and Livestock Magazine, nor staff are responsible for any errors in the editorial copy. This magazine reserves the right to refuse any advertising which we deem unsuitable for our publication. No liability is assumed for errors in or omissions of advertisers in this publication. Opinions and views expressed in articles and advertisements are not necessarily those of the publisher, editors or employees, nor does publication of any opinion or statement in Everything Horses and Livestock constitute an endorsement of the views, opinions, goods or services contained in any advertisement. Visit our website at www.EHALmagazine.com and Like us on Facebook. Copyright 2020 Everything Horse and Livestock ® All Rights Reserved The Publication office is located at 29545 Pleasant Valley Rd., Paola, Kansas 66071
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Landen James has been trick riding for the last 13 yrs. In that time, he has trick rode all- across the USA and Canada for numerous rodeos including Ft Worth Stock Show, horse shows, and stunt work. Landen has resided in Branson, Mo. and Pigeon Forge, TN for the last 6 years. During this time, he has performed as Dolly Partons’ Stampede trick rider, Roman rider, along with shows nightly. Recently he was shown #1 rated on the Netflix series Tiger King, trick riding in one of their episodes. Landen has coached and trained numerous trick riders across the country. He is currently offering virtual lessons for trick and Roman riding. Kids will learn everything from trick riding, Roman riding, horsemanship, showmanship and how to be confident in all you do in life. Landen thrives on boosting confidence and showcasing his motto of “No Dream is to big and to chase whatever sets your passion on fire.” Landen will go over the beginning and
Everything Horses and Livestock® | May 2020 | EHALmagazine.com 4 mechanics of trick riding, the safety factors, staying in tip top shape, and the performing LEARN SOME TRICKS FROM ONE OF THE BEST VIRTUALLY You can achieve anything
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side. The kids will all be involved in a showmanship lesson, as well as a Q&A before and after the lesson daily. Landen’s mission is to share the passion he has been so blessed to do for a living. It’s time to pay it forward. Each day will be positive fun and team building as if you have the positive support. You can achieve anything. Landen has lesson packages available. He also has training videos available for roman riding or certain tricks. Lessons
can be redeemed anytime through-out the year as well. Contact Landen James Trick Riding on Facebook at; https://www.facebook.com/ LandenJames8
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1-866-231-8589 Arden & Sally Vernon Www.eze-latch.com
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We Are Not A People of Fear by Cory Young
Just in case are unaware… we are currently a nation in crisis. To define that crisis, we have to look at two camps that seem to be emerging (at least in the circles I frequent). In the Cowfolk community there seems to be folks who consider the virus a crisis and folks who consider the response to the virus a crisis. Way smarter folks that me can hash that out. What I am concerned about in both camps is the amount of fear that seems to be getting a foothold in folks’ lives. The Bible talks quite a bit about fear. One of my favorite verses is 2 Timothy 1:7 which reads, “For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.” From this verse, I’d like to point out a few things that should help us make it through the day. Did you see that? If you are a believer in Christ, the verse says that fear doesn’t come from God. In fact, it is written in a way that reminds us that fear isn’t a part of who we are...it’s not in our DNA. In fact, the word used for
“fear” there could literally be translated “cowardice.” At any given rodeo you can see people running toward the danger frequently. Folks in the arena (bullfighters, arena personnel, pickup men, etc.) as well as folks outside the arena (parents or buddies helping you avoid a wreck). For the most part, we don’t shy away from the danger. So it is with a believer in Christ. God built us to TRUST rather than fear. We are not fearful because we are stupid or ignorant of the dangers. We are not fearful because we know God is in control and where we are going should we meet our end. So please remember… 1. We Are Not A People of Fear. This verse goes on to remind us that, while God has not given us a spirit of fear, He has given us a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline. The word used for “power” here is the same word that can be translated “dynamite.” When you read power, read POWER. I’m not convinced
that this means God’s going to give you great physical strength like a super-hero. Rather, in my life, the power has shown up in the ability to get through a tough time or to serve someone else when I have nothing left in the tank. Supernatural power to do what we are built to do. While we are chewing on the fact that we are not a people of fear, please remember… 2. God Has Given Us Power to Deal with Anything Life Throws at Us. In addition to power, we are also given a spirit of love. There are a lot of definitions of what love is (most of which are mushy and useless), but this word is specifically speaking of the type of love Jesus used when He died on the cross to save mankind. Jesus’ love is placing other’s need before your own. Essentially, we are to serve others. No matter where you find yourself right now, there are ways to serve those around you. A few areas where we can apply this is in helping folks with grocery runs
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if they are unable to go to town, checking in on neighbors, even making a simple phone call to tell a friend that you miss them. When we take the focus off of ourselves and put it on serving others, fear starts to melt away. God has built us to resist fear by giving us supernatural power and remember… 3. We Are Built to Serve Others. The final part of our DNA according to this verse is the promise of sound judgement. This is the idea that we can not only discern right and wrong but also practice good
discipline in our actions. That is hugely helpful right now as we’ve got conflicting information coming at us from all kinds of directions. God has given us, as we trust Him, the ability to know how to serve no matter what is going on around us. We should certainly follow the authorities that are iour lives. But within that framework we need to be creative in how we reach out to serve those in need. God’s given us the power to do just that. 2 Timothy is a verse that I have shared behind the chutes hundreds of times and the
reason is simple…it takes our mind off of fear and puts it where is should be: trusting God. We receive eternal life by trusting God. We life THIS life by trusting God.
Now…get after it.
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Pockets For A Purpose
Equine, Everything Horses and Livestock Magazine, Kansas Pioneer, Fallon Taylor, and her husband Alex McCray just to name a few. Since Equifest, we have been hit with Covid 19. None of us were prepared for it, but P4AP went the extra mile and helped those in need. We had numerous donations of fabic and other supplies to make face masks. We had volunteers step up and donate their time. Because of everyone's geneoristy, we were able to donate several hundred face masks to hospitals, clinics, cancer patients and many more. One more way we were able to help the community. Our moto is "Together We Can Make A Difference" and we are doing just that.
In March we were able to travel to Salina for Equifest of Kansas with Better Equine. We spent the weekend sharing our story and reaching out to so many people who were willing to share their stories with us. People shared the same horror stories when it came to their surgical drains. A common comment "I wish I had a kit like that when I had my drains." Overall the trip was a huge success and a special shout out to Better Equine for letting us tag along. In the past three months, we have been able to help seven individuals who were recently diagnosed with breast cancer. That is amazing. We are growing by leaps and bounds. It is because of amazing supporters like Better
For more infomormation, please visit us on Facebook, Instagram, or our website.
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same time and not have mayo overload. Today, I am sharing different dressing recipes that can add variety to your salads. There are three types of potato salad that we like to serve on the farm. Grandpa’s favorite is the old-fashioned Miracle Whip and boiled egg style. Next is Italian style with vinegar, oil and spices. The family favorite across the board is Hot German Potato Salad. I’ve shared that recipe today. I like to use red or gold potatoes for salad, but you can use russets. I find that russets take more dressing as they are generally dryer and soak it up. You can also use a variety of onions. I use green or winter onions, Sweet Vidalia onions, or red onions. This gives a variety of color and flavor Recipes can be adjusted to your family’s taste. Simply use your favorite oils, vinegars, sweeteners, and mayo, whip, or blend. Cold Slaw is another favorite that can be made with a variety of dressings. I like creamy dressing with crushed pineapple added, but I’m a lone wolf on that one. My children are not fond of mayo-style dressings so
the favorite for family gatherings is Italian style. The best thing about salad is the convenience because they can be made ahead and kept in the refrigerator for days. Resting in the fridge lets the ingredients develop a rich flavor. Some are even better after they have been refrigerated for 24 hours! Marinated Vegetable Salad is one of those that just keeps getting better. Baby Zucchini, Cherry Tomatoes, Button Mushrooms, Green Onion, and a variety of sweet and hot Peppers make good additions to a marinated salad as well as mozzarella pearls. I hope you will experiment with salads and save yourself some time in the kitchen while providing your family with good
Spring has Sprung! With warmer weather we’re all thinking about outside activities. Here on the farm seeds are being planted in our new Greenhouse and babies are being born. It’s always a busy time here. I’m really enjoying this beautiful weather as I sit on the deck under the sun umbrella basking in god’s beauty and writing to y’all today. The kids are all home schooling, adding to the daily tasks. School work will be finished at the end of May and we usually have our first bonfire of the season on the Friday after school lets out. It’s lots of fun and easy to prepare. The menu includes a variety of brats and dogs, as well as make ahead salads. I always keep a variety of salads in the fridge during the spring and summer seasons. It is an easy way to add a variety of fresh and cooked veggies to our sandwiches and grilled entrees. There are a huge variety of salads to choose from. Potato salad and cold slaw are the old standbys. I’ve never been to a cookout or picnic that one or both were not among the offerings. I was asked by someone one time about how to serve several salads at the
German Potato Salad
Salad Dressing Recipes
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(maxilla) for the top teeth and down into the jaw bone (mandible) for the bottom teerh. These permanent molars are composed of a slightly softer, more porous material than our teeth and are designed to be ground away throughout the life of the horse. To compensate for the teeth being ground down, there is a continual process of new bone formation in the maxilla above the top teeth and the mandible below the bottom teeth. The bone is formed at the rate of about 1/8” per year forcing the teeth to literally be erupted into the mouth at about 1/8” per year. The horse is thus required to grind away this amount of tooth each year. This process becomes the root of most dental maintenance issues. Anatomically, the head bone is wider than the jaw bone in a horse so the top teeth extend to the outside of the bottom teeth when the mouth is closed. The side to side motion of the lower jaw in the grinding of food should comprise a range of motion which allows the bottom molars to extend out past the edge of the top molars in each stroke. In reality, our domestic horses tend to get a little lazy in the grinding process and rarely chew with that range of motion. They
I n my previous article we discussed the dental needs of the young horse, ages 2-5. By the age of 6 years of age your horse has lost all of its baby teeth(caps) and now has a full mouth of permanent teeth consisting of 24 molars, 12 incisors and 4 canines (males only). We are assuming that
the wolf teeth, if they were present, have been extracted by this time. These permanent molars are about 3” long in a full-size horse with about ¾” of the tooth protruding into the mouth and the remainder of the tooth up in the tooth socket of the head bone
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don’t have to work very hard in chewing since we tend to have pretty non-abrasive grasses in pastures, soft hay and even crack the corn ahead of time if we feed actual grains. As a result of this abbreviated range of motion, the outside edges of the top teeth do not get worn down smoothly and there are sharp irregular points produced on the top molars (and occasionally on the inside edge of the bottom molars). These sharp points cause discomfort as the points dig into the cheek tissue while chewing or the cheek tissue is pushed into the sharp points when pressure is applied by halters, side pulls, bits, etc. Another frequent issue in the mature horse is broken teeth which in turn allows for super eruption of the opposing molar. Since the teeth are a more grindable, breakable material than ours (I equate it to almost
like a porcelain material), they tend to break more easily should the horse bite down on a rock, walnut or anything hard. This is compounded by the fact that there are no nerve endings in the actual tooth (there are nerve endings in the connective tissue of the tooth socked but not in the tooth itself). Therefore, the horse can break a molar and literally never know it. Let’s assume that the 4th molar
step mouth and can be very detrimental since it tends to disrupt the entire grinding motion. There are numerous other conditions which can occur as a result of the eruption/grinding process such as wavy molar tables (the flat grinding surface) or unbalanced mouth (one side of the bottom molars higher that the other).
on top gets broken off. That leaves nothing wearing against the opposing molar (4th molar on bottom)
These conditions can usually all be detected and addressed by annual dental
exams. You will reap the benefits in better health, better handling and more years of productivity from your horse.
and allows the bottom molar to erupt into the mouth higher than the adjoining molars. This condition is called
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Living Life Ranch
“And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31 “God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” Matthew 5:43- 45 As I sat down to write this article, I thought about what is the main purpose of Living Life Ranch. The first thing that popped into my head was “Love” God’s Love. We want to share his love and show his love to others. Help children heal from their brokenness. Allow them to experience what God’s love feels like, patience, kindness from our
staff. At the same time allowing them to experience one of God’s most majestic creatures. Watch the horse mirror them, learn about themselves, build self-esteem and confidence. Provide an experience that takes them away from the negative stuff in their lives. The verses I included are in my opinion, the top most important messages from God, for us to know. These show us how important we are to God. He loves you no matter who you are what you’ve done, he loves you unconditionally. If you ask him into your heart and ask him to forgive you, live for him instead of yourself with obedience. Your life will be blessed on earth and in heaven. These verses tell us how important it is to treat others as God does us. He instructs us to Love others like he loves us, forgive your enemies and love them, like he does us. Boy that last one is a tough one. Isn’t it? I found this information to share with you on Forgiveness because I think we all struggle with this. I provided information to share with you on what forgiveness means. This has helped me in my life when I must forgive someone. The word “forgive” means to wipe the slate clean, to pardon, to cancel a debt. When we
wrong someone, we seek his or her forgiveness in order for the relationship to be restored. It is important to remember that forgiveness is not granted because a person deserves to be forgiven. Instead, it is an act of love, mercy, and grace. How we act toward that person may change. It doesn't mean we will put ourselves back into a harmful situation or that we suddenly accept or approve of the person's continued wrong behavior. It simply means we release them from the wrong they committed against us. We forgive them because God forgave us (Ephesians 4:31- 32 and Romans 5:8). God mentions love 310 times in the Bible in 280 verses. I think he wants it to sink in, don’t you? Love is the most important point in the Bible. He loved us so much that he gave us Jesus, brought him here to teach us and show us his love, then sent Jesus to be sacrificed so we could have eternal life. I don’t believe we think about that as we should. I have son’s and a daughter myself; I just can’t fathom the idea of giving a child up to save the people on earth. I would just try to give myself up, because I just couldn’t live... I see how “people” are acting and treating others, the horrific
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things “people” do and say. Why would anyone want to save us? It is beyond my understanding, but I do know he loves us like no other. I’ve witnessed it in my life more than I can count. This is why Living Life Ranch exists. He did so many amazing things in my life. My obedience to him is to take my knowledge and heart and share it with others. God wants us to help each other love one
another and this is our way of showing God’s love to his people. We must take care of our children, help them heal so they can “Live Their Life to the Fullest” teach them about releasing their past and don’t look back, just look forward to the future. When I think of Living Life Ranch, I see these beautiful smiles. If you have a need or you know someone that could benefit from our program, please
contact us. www.Livingliferanch.org Melissa Cowan 913-731-5579 Through the healing and therapeutic power of God’s word coupled with working, caring and riding horses, children can begin the recovering process of building self-esteem, self-confidence and a renewed reverence for life.
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Trail Chatter By Erin Glassman
will be taking out the three day waiting period to reserve a site as it has been in the past.” Skinner stated talks are on hold with the district office regarding the campground while the Covid outbreak is ongoing. “We’re having a little bit of a hard time communicating with the district office with the restrictions in place,” she said. “We do have some possibilities lined up in the event that they do close the campground and best case scenario we could get it leased to a private individual.” In the meantime however, once restrictions are lifted we can help try to keep the campground open by doing our part to camp at Clinton Lake! Skinner and a lot of great volunteers have been putting in a lot of hard work cleaning up and marking the approximate 50 miles of trails getting them ready for riders and those are open now. You can follow updates about Rockhaven on Friends of Rockhaven Park on Facebook and as always join your local chapter of Backcountry Horsemen of America (Sunflower Chapter, Saddle Ridge Chapter or the State Chapter). We have our updates listed on the Back Country Horsemen of Kansas Group on Facebook. Stay healthy out there folks, get some good time out on the trails and help do your part to keep us all on the trails by being good trail stewards! Thanks and until the next go, I tip my hat. Erin
2020 seems to be a year that’s trying to tell us to “hold its beer and watch this!” for sure! We’ve seen the variety of sayings and jokes about Covid-19, social distancing and our choice of lifestyle as equestrians. There are quite a few sayings I’m sure we can all relate to, I know that really other than not eating out as much, making fewer trips to the store and, oh yeah, wearing a mask everywhere public when I do emerge from my cave that my life in general has not changed vastly for me at the moment. I know there are people that have been impacted severely either in their health or economically; I have a great feeling that through this time of hardship that the best of humanity will shine and we will be able to bring ourselves together to help those of us who have fallen from this to gradually have life as usual again someday. As trail riders, we have been pretty fortunate that our state parks have been staying during this pandemic so that we may have our outlet with our horses. Most of our trails are even back open after the damage that had been done from the flooding of 2019. One area of concern that Kansas trail riders need to keep an eye is the Rockhaven Equestrian Campground. This campground is currently
run by the United States Army Corps of Engineers. Unless usage of this campground increases in 2020, it is very possible that the USCOE will close down the campground for usage in 2021. Data shows that it is only getting 6% utilization and the Corps needs a 20% usage to justify cost. Another equestrian campground in the Corps of Engineers district at Truman Lake’s Berry Bend was closed down last year. It was the only other federal equestrian campground in this district. Due to the campground being under federal management, it is currently under temporary closure orders to the public due to Covid restrictions and is projected to reopen June 1st. Whether or not this will impact the utilization data study and decision to keep the campground open is unclear. Sunflower Chapter Back Country Horsemen of Kansas representative and volunteer Diana Skinner reported that when Rockhaven opens back up, reservations are supposed to be taken through recreation. gov. “Fortunately or unfortunately, the only way to do a reservation or pay for a site will be to do it through this website. This could be a challenge for those who do not have a credit card for whatever reason,” stated Skinner. “One good thing about this, once they get the website back up and running is that they
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September 2018 • Vol. 3 No. 3
23 Everything Horses and Livestock® | May 2020 | EHALmagazine.com Piqued My Interest... Pursing My Passion By Desiree Garcia
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BCHKS Repairs Trails Following Historic Flooding of 2019 by Jim Thomas
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Old trash dumps caused extensive trash and debris to wash up onto the trails and remain after the waters eventually went down.
T he summer of 2019 saw flooding and historic high-water levels at many parks in Kansas. The majority of Kansas equestrian campgrounds and trails are located at US Army Corps of Engineers lakes located throughout the state. These multi-thousand-acre, man-made lakes were developed for flood control and were extensively tested during the summer of 2019. Trails in the eastern half of the state were under water the entire summer, and it was fall before floodwaters receded enough to begin to assess the damage. Accumulated debris, silt, and erosion were just some of the messes left behind. BCHKS trail volunteers were chomping at the bit to begin the work that would get these trails returned to ridable condition, even though the muddy mess didn’t allow access to the trails until well into winter. Trail damage at Kanopolis Lake, in the north-central area of the state, had trails completely closed to the public from June 2019 to April 1, 2020. Work days on those popular trails brought out a delightful mix of hikers, trail runners, cyclists, campers, families, park staff, and equestrians, all working together and anxiously awaiting the opportunity to get back out on the
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trail ten feet overhead!
Clinton Lake’s Rockhaven trail system includes three trails: the upper trail is marked with blue, and the middle trail is yellow. These heavily wooded trails had several trees down that needed to be cut up and cleared. Clinton’s lower trail, marked in orange, closely follows the shoreline of the lake. As the orange trail began to re-surface, it was covered with wooded debris that in many places resembled pickup sticks. Some sections of that orange trail fell away into the lake. The blue and yellow trails are now cleared for 2020 summer riding; but the orange trail will not be rebuilt, rerouted, and cleared until BCHKS volunteers can get access to them this next fall and winter. The weather this spring has not been kind, either. Above normal rains have kept lake levels high, and lower trails are still occasionally under water. Storms with heavy winds are uprooting trees that were weakened in the water logged ground. As Kansas trail riders are finally able to get back out on trails, they will continue to see evidence of the record floods of 2019 with odds and ends of driftwood caught up in trees overhead, and the 2019 water line still visible halfway up the trees along shorelines. Riders will also continue to come across BCHKS volunteers in their orange and yellow vests working on clearing and repairing. Trail volunteers’ work is never done!
trails they love. The damage was mostly due to debris completely covering the trails, namely logs and sticks as well as some trash where the water line sat all summer. There was a small segment of trail alongside a creek that had washed out and was re- routed further up the hillside. An area of severe erosion that was worsened by flood damage was fixed. A lot of volunteer hours were spent on normal maintenance that couldn’t be taken care of during the flooding due to lack of access and also lack of resources in the agency. Park staff members were stretched thin all summer trying to mitigate damage to campgrounds. Sections of the Black Hawk equestrian trails at Pomona
Lake in Eastern Kansas traverse lands that were once farms and homesteads. Old trash dumps caused extensive trash and debris to wash up onto the trails and remain after the waters eventually went down. One BCHKS work day resulted in 10 large trash bags full of glass bottles, tin and aluminum cans, and plastic bottles on a two-mile section of trail. New trail markers were posted in areas where trees with markers were uprooted by the flooding. Summer pictures from Melvern Lake, in the east-central part of the state, showed kayakers paddling along the trail signs that were still visible above the flood waters. Riders on Melvern’s Crooked Knee Trail can still see evidence of last summer’s flood with driftwood caught up in trees along the
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