Everything Horses and Livestock® Magazine
Everything Horses and Livestock Magazine ®
We Are Not A People of Fear by Cory Young
Just in case are unaware… we are currently a nation in crisis. To define that crisis, we have to look at two camps that seem to be emerging (at least in the circles I frequent). In the Cowfolk community there seems to be folks who consider the virus a crisis and folks who consider the response to the virus a crisis. Way smarter folks that me can hash that out. What I am concerned about in both camps is the amount of fear that seems to be getting a foothold in folks’ lives. The Bible talks quite a bit about fear. One of my favorite verses is 2 Timothy 1:7 which reads, “For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.” From this verse, I’d like to point out a few things that should help us make it through the day. Did you see that? If you are a believer in Christ, the verse says that fear doesn’t come from God. In fact, it is written in a way that reminds us that fear isn’t a part of who we are...it’s not in our DNA. In fact, the word used for
“fear” there could literally be translated “cowardice.” At any given rodeo you can see people running toward the danger frequently. Folks in the arena (bullfighters, arena personnel, pickup men, etc.) as well as folks outside the arena (parents or buddies helping you avoid a wreck). For the most part, we don’t shy away from the danger. So it is with a believer in Christ. God built us to TRUST rather than fear. We are not fearful because we are stupid or ignorant of the dangers. We are not fearful because we know God is in control and where we are going should we meet our end. So please remember… 1. We Are Not A People of Fear. This verse goes on to remind us that, while God has not given us a spirit of fear, He has given us a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline. The word used for “power” here is the same word that can be translated “dynamite.” When you read power, read POWER. I’m not convinced
that this means God’s going to give you great physical strength like a super-hero. Rather, in my life, the power has shown up in the ability to get through a tough time or to serve someone else when I have nothing left in the tank. Supernatural power to do what we are built to do. While we are chewing on the fact that we are not a people of fear, please remember… 2. God Has Given Us Power to Deal with Anything Life Throws at Us. In addition to power, we are also given a spirit of love. There are a lot of definitions of what love is (most of which are mushy and useless), but this word is specifically speaking of the type of love Jesus used when He died on the cross to save mankind. Jesus’ love is placing other’s need before your own. Essentially, we are to serve others. No matter where you find yourself right now, there are ways to serve those around you. A few areas where we can apply this is in helping folks with grocery runs
Everything Horses and Livestock® | May 2020 | EHALmagazine.com 8
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