Wednesday Mini Mag
Ramona Cowboy Finishes Regular Season Record High While Looking Toward Third National Finals Rodeo Steer Wrestling By Frank J. Buchman
“It was a good year yet a different year for sure.” Tanner Brunner of Ramona simply evaluated his best regular season steer wrestling standings in the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association. “With many rodeos canceled due to coronavirus we were lucky that committees did host and put on rodeos,” Brunner appreciated. Typically going to about a hundred rodeos annually, the Kansas cowboy only entered 58 rodeos in the 2020 season. “A number of larger rodeos were canceled, so we went to more of the smaller rodeos. That gave us the opportunity to see new country,” Brunner said. The 27-year-old, six-foot-two, 230-pound steer wrestler made best use of those limited opportunities. From October 1, 2019, through September 30, 2020, Brunner won $46,885.30. That put him sixth in the world steer wrestling standings qualifying for his third National Finals Rodeo (NFR).
“I’m pleased to qualify for the NFR again, and quite thankful there’s going to be an NFR,” Brunner said. “After such few rodeos this year and so much discussion about canceling the NFR, I’m sure glad it’ll go on.” In Las Vegas for a number of years, the 2020 NFR will be in Arlington, Texas, December 3-12. “It’ll be different than at Vegas, but the 10-rounds of competition will be just as tough,” Brunner assured. With the NFR just days away, Brunner is a “real working cowboy” at his family’s Marion County Cow Camp Feedlot.
“We’ve been building fence today before the colder weather sets in,” he said Thursday. “I’ve been exercising my horses to keep them in shape, but the ranch work is about enough exercise for me.” He’s also entered a couple of recent rodeos and bulldogs steers two or three times a week at home. To be a top steer wrestler requires not only cowboy ability but also horsepower. “I’m fortunate to have such a great bulldogging team,” Brunner appreciated.
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