Wednesday Mini Mag
He graduated with an animal science degree in 2016 and has been a fulltime professional rodeo cowboy and working rancher simultaneously. Evaluating the 2020 rodeo season cancelations and rulings on health issues, Brunner said, “It varied place to place. There were actually only a few rodeos requiring and enforcing masking and distancing stipulations.” With two previous NFR experiences, Brunner is preparing mentally as well as physically for the upcoming 10-day NFR run. “I’ll be going in ranked higher than ever. But a lot can happen running that many steers with so much money to win,” he said. “With my horses and hazers, I’ll be as ready as I can and hope the steers fall in my favor.” He’ll still be cautious not putting his hat on the bed, not eating chicken before a go-round, and not wearing a yellow shirt. Already in the 2021 steer wrestling standings, Brunner was second at the Prairie Circuit Finals this month in Duncan, Oklahoma. He also won $1,723 a few days earlier in Waco, Texas. “I’m hoping that can get me started on a roll for the NFR,” Brunner commented. “Hopefully, rodeo will get back to a more normal next year. Whatever, I’ll be working for the fastest steer wrestling time every time I nod.”
CUTLINES Tanner Brunner of Ramona shows the championship steer wrestling form making him sixth in the world regular season standings.
His bulldogging mare Miss Kitty and his hazing horse Slick along with capable traveling partner hazers get ample credit from Tanner Brunner for his third qualification to the National Finals Rodeo.
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