Wednesday Mini Mag
Having sold and purchased hundreds of horses, it is certainly a two way street. What a horse is believed to be and has been doesn’t mean it’ll be that way another time under different circumstances. Top horses have been sold that didn’t work as well for new owners. Unfortunately, it’s nearly impossible to know who to vote for and everyone has some pros and cons. The situation this time seems to be difficulty in deciphering exactly what one offers and another doesn’t. Advertising for this year’s candidates are frequently senseless. It is almost impossible to know which candidate is being advertised to be elected. Opponents have spent more backbiting than informing voters why they’re the one to elect. There are false accusations without question, yet determining what is true and not has become impossible. Like has been heard many times in the past week, it’ll sure be good when the election is over. Reminded of First Timothy 1:6: “The whole point is simply love uncontaminated by self-interest and counterfeit. Those who fail to keep this point soon wander off into dead ends.” +++ALLELUIA+++ XIV--44--11-1-2020
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