Wednesday Mini Mag
Kenneth Muller of Council Grove was recognized throughout the Midwest as a cowboy and leader in many agriculture endeavors.
A horse drawn box wagon carried Kenny Muller to his final resting place in Four Mile Cemetery. Kenny’s widely- recognized green flatbed exhaust puffing followed behind with his last personal horse in the pasture up the country road.
Cold rain poured down as cowboy friends serving as bearers followed the casket carrying Kenny Muller to his grave.
Winner of the annual Morris County Ranch Rodeo one year was the Muller Ranch team of Lee Hart, Jack Gieswein, Kenny Muller (with grandson Ty Muller) and Richard Muller.
In his cowboy lifetime Kenny Muller looked after thousands of cattle on Flint Hills pastures gathered from grazing for shipment to feedlots.
Producing and using quality registered Quarter Horses was important to Kenny Muller as a lifelong cowboy.
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