Wednesday Mini Mag

Muscotah Couple Finds Most Enjoyment Owning And Showing Their Horses By Frank J. Buchman

When a horse crazy girl marries a motorcycle riding boy, it requires some convincing that the family needs a horse. That’s the way it was for Susie and Don Jacobs, but the Muscotah couple is now prominently recognized in horse activities. Showing their horses in northeast Kansas shows, the Atchison County horse enthusiasts have collected many awards since a meager beginning. They are also anxious to volunteer for several horse organizations and events.

“I was always ‘horse crazy’ and wanted a horse more than anything when I was growing up,” Susie admitted. It was exciting for her when a cousin brought a pony to ride on the farm. “Then when my family moved to Lancaster, I wasn’t able to have a horse,” Susie frowned. “However, my neighbors had horses they’d let me ride even though I’d get bucked off sometimes.” Greatest fun was having “pretend horseshows” doing every kind of events on the ball diamond roped off like an arena. “We even made our own award ribbons and really enjoyed ourselves. It still wasn’t like having my very own horse,” Susie continued.

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