Wednesday Mini Mag
With several jobs throughout her life including serving as a babysitter, Susie stays busy fulltime on the farm nowadays. “I have two big gardens and get to work more with the horses,” she said. Don and Susie are active NEKSAG members while Susie especially enjoys acquiring items for the fundraising
auction and yearend awards. “I actually work at it all year. It’s a lot of fun for me helping the club in every way I can,” Susie said. With outside employment, Brandon doesn’t show horses anymore but continues to be interested and helps with their chores. Without the slightest grudge Don readily admitted horses provide much more enjoyment than motorcycles ever did. “Horses definitely are good for a person’s body and mind,” Don confirmed. “I plan to keep riding and showing as long as I can get myself up in the saddle.”
Enthusiasm continually bubbling, Susie echoed: “I’m still crazy about everything to do with horses. I love working with them and especially enjoy participating in the shows. I’ll always have horses and show as long as I can.”
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