Mini Mag Feb 16 2021

$3,900, Hillsdale State Park $2,500, and Kanopolis State Park $2,375. Over the past 9 years, these trail rides have raised over $129,000, which have funded numerous campground and trail improvements. The partnership with BCHA provides us a consistent method of calculating and reporting volunteer work hours. Through our Kansas chapter of BCHA, we log volunteer hours spent working on equestrian campground and

trail maintenance and improvements each year. For 2020, total volunteer hours in Kansas exceeded 3,300, and using values provided by BCHA, monetary value of these work hours exceeds $229,000! We are working closely with trail users in the Randolph State Park area and in south-central Kansas on formation of regional BCHKS chapters, where members will focus on partnerships with local park managers to help maintain trails. Randolph State Park Manager Todd Lovin is very appreciative of the interest and volunteer efforts in improving those trails. Once again, we equestrian trail users are committed to working alongside our public land managers to ensure a future of trail riding opportunities in Kansas. Let me or Erin Glassman know if we can meet to discuss future plans and improvements for public equestrian camping and riding facilities.

Erin Glassman, 620-617-7221, Trails Director, Kansas Horse Council Vice-President, Back Country Horsemen of America Kansas Chapter

Jim Thomas, 785-633-4761 Trails Director Emeritus, Kansas Horse Council Board of Directors, Kansas Trails Council Founding Member, Back Country Horsemen of Kansas

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