Mini Mag Feb 22 2021

Best of America by Horseback, one of the longest running shows on RFD TV & The Cowboy Channel will also be on site, sharing stories and videos of some of their favorite places to ride. Special demonstrations include the Fort Riley Color Guards, mule jumping, a young ranch hand roman riding while driving a pair of draft horses, the Nicodemus Buffalo Soldiers, plus the patriotic American Freedom Drill Team Riders. Workshops will provide entertainment and education covering topics such as: Fair Exchange- equine emotional empathy, driving dressage notes, hoof care, a program for positive performance in training, equine assisted therapy facilitation, Solo Journey- a biography covering 500 miles on horseback, Kansas State Parks Horse Trails & Volunteer Opportunities, and the 2 nd Annual Legendary Kansas Horsemen-a panel of successful equine hall of famers who will share stories of their horse careers. Parents can bring kids for fun in the Kids Corral at the 4H building, featuring unique horse themed games & activities hosted by the Colby Community College Equestrian Team. Plus, Kansas Rodeo Royalty will be around for pictures and autographs. Also, check out the Kansas Horse Council Foundation Silent Auction and find some great deals! Your contribution supports equine enthusiasts pursuing a college level degree or trade certification!

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