Everything Horses and Livestock® November 2021 Vol. 6 Issue 4

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Being raised by an Avid Outdoor Sports Writer, it was only natural for me to start our Magazine, Everything Horses and Livestock ®. In my youth, I talked with my father about writing some small books on living off the land in our area and caring for animals.

Out of high school, I gave riding lessons, trained horses, boarded, produced a variety of events and sold items from my own retail business, while also working for others. I wrote articles on proper feeding and horse management for magazines, websites and newsletters. It was very enjoyable to listen to my father edit them for me. He said, “It’s good to write how you feel, what you believe, just get rid of the extra words!” My father and I never got around to writing our booklets before he passed away November 1, 2009. I have many fond memories of my father and our time together. My passion is proper care and feeding of all animals and helping others enjoy their ride. Our family loves to hunt, ride and team rope. Flip through our pages. Enjoy articles, photographs, cartoons, word search, & fun news! This magazine is dedicated to my dad, mom, sisters, husband, son, family, friends, and everyone out there enjoying the ride! ~Jana T. Harrington Barcus He worked at the same publishing company for 62 years.

5 A Cowboy's Faith

Frank Buchmann Melissa Cowan Gerri Groshong Jayne Hamilton Melissa Cowan Pamela Hennigh Jayne Hamilton Melissa Cowan Gerri Groshong

10 Main Motion

11 Sliding Glass Door 14 Hope for the Holidays

16 Living Life Ranch 20 Kansas Pioneer

30 Vast Beauty

33 Jasper 36 Charlie

Editor/Publisher; Jana Barcus Editing/Setup; Desiree Garcia Admin Assistant ; Gerri Groshong Call Us to Advertise: Desiree Garcia

785-430-8408 913-333-2657 913-731-5579 913-515-5943

Jana Barcus Melissa Cowan Gerri Groshong

Ads Due January 15 / April 15 / July 15 / October 15 Publish Dates February * May * August * November

The Publication office is located at 29545 Pleasant Valley Rd., Paola, Kansas 66071

Everything Horses and Livestock is distributed across the US and on the world wide web. No material from this publication may be copied or in any way reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Neither the advertisers nor Everything Horses and Livestock Magazine, nor staff are responsible for any errors in the editorial copy. This magazine reserves the right to refuse any advertising which we deem unsuitable for our publication. No liability is assumed for errors in or omissions of advertisers in this publication. Opinions and views expressed in articles and advertisements are not necessarily those of the publisher, editors or employees, nor does publication of any opinion or statement in Everything Horses and Livestock constitute an endorsement of the views, opinions, goods or services contained in any advertisement.

Visit our website at www.EHALmagazine.com and Like us on Facebook. Copyright 2020 Everything Horse and Livestock ® All Rights Reserved

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Electricity Often Unappreciated Convenience

“It’s almost impossible to imagine what it would be like to not ever have electricity in a ranch home.” Reminder of its importance became obvious when the power company shut off electricity three times in a week. Poles and lines are being moved several feet for a highway expansion that’s been in planning stages for years. It was midday when the lights went out and everything operated by electricity quit working. There was no warning in advance, but evidently some neighbors immediately called the power company. Three big power trucks in the driveway with a long new pole made it fairly obvious what was up. Electricity was off about three hours the first time as everything seemed to come to a standstill. When much of modern day work is done on a computer, there’s immediate time off without power. Still, a certain fear is present wondering how much work will be lost if the computer comes back on. Fortunately when power returned, the computer restarted and everything was fine. Likewise, other than having to reset the electric clocks, all of the many other electrical conveniences started working again. Still no advance warning came from the electric company before the power went off the second time. However, complaining from the community prompted all to get a call before lights were blacked out a third time. The nice lady said power would return in about an hour-and-a- half, but it was back on in an hour. Actually there was little inconvenience from the daytime blackouts other than annoyance and aggravation. It wasn’t that way three decades or so ago when ice storms downed poles for many miles around. Power was out for nearly a week and generators were impossible to buy anywhere. While home inconveniences are many, the worst part is being unable to water livestock. Pumps don’t run without electricity and animals won’t survive many days without their most essential nutrient. Hauling water is always an ordeal and more so when there’s no power anywhere in the community. When the power does finally come back on, there’s definite appreciation for the many conveniences it provides. Forefathers never had electricity or any imagination what it could do, yet they survived and got along just fine. Reminded of Second Kings 25:30: “He provided all the conveniences needed to live comfortably.” +++ALLELUIA+++ XV--41--10-10-2021

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Mane Motions Foundation

manufacturer. Her plan is to buy the device in January If she can raise the funds. Besides using this in the workplace Dawn travels to Client’s locations. The unit is too heavy for 1 person, so she requires assistance lifting it up and down. It does have wheels which are small but helps with mobility. Dawn’s dream for this device is to have a small Living Quarters horse trailer modified to meet her requirements for traveling all over Kansas and the 4 surrounding states. So, she can assist as many patients as possible. She would be able to use the trailer ramp for wheelchairs or other mobile chairs to bring them into the Living Quarters where she would have Miracolt stationary for use. This trailer would be a traveling rehabilitation center for Dawn. Dawn is in process of applying for her 501c3 so she will be up and running as a nonprofit in no time. To learn more about Miracolt you can contact Dawn Miller 913-206-0465 she is the sales representative in Kansas for this device so feel free to call her. Another place you can find more information is this website: https://chariotinnovations.com/ miracolt/

This is a story about a different kind of horse a Mechanical Horse called “ Miracolt” Manufactured by Chariot Innovations. Dawn Miller a local OTR/L works with “Miracolt” on a daily basis. This device delivers access natural and complex motion patterns of riding therapy. This is used to help with Cerebral Palsy, Autism Parkinson’s Stroke and related symptoms. The MiraColt, inspired by the benefits of hippotherapy, is a therapeutic medical device designed to realistically reproduce the complex and natural three-dimensional motion patterns experienced

when walking or riding a horse.

Currently Dawn uses this device at her workplace “Poss- Abilities Children’s Therapy Group” located in Meriam KS. Dawn specializes in working with children having cerebral palsy, brachial plexus injuries, Down's Syndrome, developmental delays, spinal muscular atrophy, spina-bifida, upper extremity injuries and anomalies, sensory processing disorder and visual-motor integration dysfunction. She also works with adults suffering from joint pain, injuries including back pain

Melissa Cowan

Dawn has the device on loan for trial use from the

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The View from the Sliding Glass Door

The crisp days of Autumn are growing shorter as I sit and cast my gaze at the now barren stick trees. The rich hues of orange and purples long past as the leaves now litter the ground in a symphony of crisp fading colors. There is a sharp contrast between the deep blue sky and the rugged grooved bark of the walnut trees. Long shadows seem to linger, and my nose and toes remind me of the cooler days that we are now in. I slip into some socks, and pour a cup of joe into my favorite mug as memories of summer flood my mind. The brilliant reds of tomatoes ripening on the vine. Squash blossoms and their deep yellows… Surprise Lilies and their dainty pink blossoms that stand on leafless stems as the sun illuminates their petals, delighting my heart and mind…. Butterflies, Frogs, and Hummingbirds all part of a not so distant time, step aside for the new season. The season of Lights. As darkness creeps forward into the late after noon, lawns and entryways

become illuminated with warm soft glows. Later lights will twinkle on tree branches and roof tops ringing in the birth of Jesus and the New Year filled with it’s promises of Hope and Joy.The season of rich homemade pies and dinners that stick to your ribs. The season of traditions, gatherings with card and checker games, family and friends. Darker colder days bring us inside close to the ones we love. Rich fragrances of cinnamon and vanilla warm our hearts and homes – drawing our minds to Holiday traditions and rich flavors. I can still taste my moms twisted bread, steaming hot with melted cinnamon butter. The mouthwatering delight of homemade candies that my granny and I prepared, both treats richer blessings than I could ever deserve. Yet isn’t that the reason. Isn’t that the Hope. All of our traditions, are rooted in the warmth and blessing that come from love and gratefulness. From being a part of something bigger, something longer and stronger than any other force this side of heaven. Our hearts, lives and stories connected past, present, and future.

The promise of heaven and being gathered together with generations gone and those to come. Gracious gifts to our human hearts and souls. It brings light and hope to our hearts. Here in Kansas the following new year is filled with frosty mornings- Frost so thick it looks like snow as it illuminates the darkness of the season. Frosty windows with their unique designs tickle our minds and bring again the awareness of a greater creator and plan. It is a season of light now but also of rest. Unseen to us, a new season has taken root and before long we will see the beginnings of it. New Life bursts forth, new growth takes root, and flourishes. Brilliant green begins to burst into view! I pray this season of light will warm your heart, encourage your soul and find you filled and rested. Hearts overflowing with gratitude for the great gifts the Master has given each of us. I pray it carries you through into the next season ready to take root and flourish. All the while, Giving thanks to the Lord for He is good. His steadfast love endures forever! Psalm 107:1 ESV

Gerri Groshong

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The “Seasons” of Life can be overwhelming. Especially through the Holidays. Perhaps it is that you are struggling with this season in your life and you don’t know how to navigate these new waters. Or perhaps you are not able to sleep, feeling anxious, depressed and are not sure why you can’t focus or plan ahead. Are you feeling stuck? You know you need something different, but you are not even sure what that is or where to begin. Do you find yourself making changes in your life only to find yourself dealing with the same hurts and hang-ups over and over? Do you need help managing your anxiety, stress, and depression? Would you like help in discovering who you are and who God is to you at this season in your life? I would love to help you! I believe true healing begins at the heart level. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I want to help you get to the core of your emotional, spiritual, and mental hurt. From a safe, joy filled place, we will then explore together and learn practical tools that will help you grow in hope, encounter joy, and discover freedom. I want to come alongside you to encourage you to see clearly, live strongly and walk boldly in faith and the truth of who God has designed you to be. I offer life coaching sessions with horses that incorporate a variety of hands-on activities with you, horses and the Holy Spirit. I also teach you practical tools to help you in the middle of your circumstance in order to enable you to grow in hope, experience joy, and discover freedom! In these sessions, we play with horses to help you uncover lies that are hindering you and also encounter opportunities to experience joy, and I guide you in practical tools that will help grow your hope in the middle of your circumstance. These sessions are typically one hour and are all done at Living Life Ranch, Gardner, KS. Contact me for more information at: hopeinthemiddleof@gmail.com or my site: hopeinthemiddleof.com You are worth investing in! You matter! You are enough!

Jayne Hamilton

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Everything Horses and Livestock Magazine ® November 2021 Living Life Ranch

The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. – Acts 17:24-25 God’s Breath is what brought Adam to life in Genesis 2:7. Then the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person. When we are all born the first thing, we must do to live is to take a breath and keep on breathing. *The Bible tells us about the breath, then God is literally always with us, whether we recognize it or not. It is His breath that fills us and sustains us. We cannot run from it, nor do we have to work for it. We simply have to receive it. God fills us with His love with every breath we take. “The Real Power Behind the Breath is That God Is in Control” One of our favorite exercises for our Clients at Living Life Ranch is a breathing exercise. You have your client match his or her breath with the horse’s

breath. I can’t describe the amazing things that happen with this exercise because each experience is unique to the individual. But what I can tell you is when you start breathing and you match up. A peace comes pouring through you. Your body and mind relax and any anxiety you are holding onto begins to release. This exercise was practiced a lot during when Tracy Boone, Elijah and Bobby Lange came to Kansas in June bringing their Elijah’s Path Event to Living Life Ranch this summer. We had an Old Fashion tent Revival right here in our pasture. This was an unforgettable experience. Living Life Ranch

partnered with Tracy and held Free sessions for the public. Several clients came to these sessions. For three nights Rev Bobby Lange lead the Revival with healing messages. While renowned Christian artist Brendan Brooks lead our worship. Ending on Sunday with our local Associate Pastor from New Life Community Church Lucas Motley teaching wonderful gifted people spend time with us on our ranch. Lives changed, God healed many hurting hearts and showed the lonely that they were not alone, it was a beautiful thing to witness. We met Tracy and Elijah at “Unbridled Faith” FBEAP Certification discipleship. It was such a blessing to have these

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program founder developed by Elaine Davis. Who knew this connection would lead to new friendships and many connections that came together to unite and bring peace then expand the healing across our community? We held sessions at Pastor Dennis Kichler’s farmstead

specifically for his youth ministry. We met many young people and so many more connections were made with others that have the same passions to help the youth and others suffering from pain. God is leading us and we are happily walking this journey together. August 14th, Righteous Image Media founder Daniel

Smith, came out to produce a commercial video for Living Life Ranch, we spent the morning having sessions, taking pictures taping testimonies and interviewing. It was a new amazing experience. Righteous media Partner Libby Thornton has designed our new website check it out. www.livingliferanch.org. Both Daniel and Libby were able

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to experience our Living Life Ranch Program. The company has blessed us in many ways. Our hearts connected during the interview. When you are looking to hire someone to help you advertise your company, you want them to have understanding, see and feel your passion. Both Daniel and Libby understand fully what we do. What better way to select someone to represent and communicate who you are for advertising purposes? If you need a trustworthy and dedicated source contact Daniel Smith 913-289-8322 or visit his website: www. righteousimagemedia.com August 28th, we had the Girl Scout’s pay us a visit. We

for our clients. We are honored and excited to be a part of this event. If you have a need or you know someone that could benefit from our program, please contact us. www.Livingliferanch.org Melissa Cowan 913-731-5579 Through the healing and therapeutic power of God’s word coupled with working, caring and riding horses, children can begin the recovering process of building self-esteem, self-confidence and a renewed reverence for life.

October 1st & 2nd, “Hope in the Middle Of” life coach and Living Life Ranch facilitator Jayne Hamilton held two Master Classes here at the ranch Free to the public she provided 5 tips that can change lives. We had a special time with Jayne and her clients, Jayne is a LLR facilitator that has partnered her life coach teachings with Living Life Ranch. We have so many positive things happening with Living Life Ranch this year. October 16th Kansas Horse

had such a wonderful time with the girls. They brought us wonderful donations, fly spray, grooming tools, rakes and they blessed us with their beautiful spirits. We gifted them with the painted pony exercise. We had such fun!

Council is sponsoring Living Life Ranch at the Better Equine Farm Tour. Living Life Ranch is providing three different demonstrations of what we do

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Acorn Candies

Nutter Butter® Peanut Butter cookie bites Hershey Kisses

1 bag Hershey mini chocolate chips Decide how many candies you want to make. It will take 1 cookie, 2 kisses, and 2 chips to make 2 candies. Determine the amount of product in the bag when purchasing by looking at the servings and serving sizes on the bags. Prepare ingredients: Count out cookies, kisses, and chips into bowls. Unwrap kisses. Twist cookies apart, remove and discard filling. Melt ½ c. mini chips in microwave safe bowl. Assemble candies: Lay out cookies on a parchment lined sheet pan with flat side up and decorative side down. Dip flat side of chip in melted chocolate and place in the middle of cookie to make acorn. Let set until firm. Can rush by placing in refrigerator for a few minutes. Dip flat side of chip into melted chocolate and place on top of cookie to make stem. Press for a minute to let it set enough to stick.

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Refrigerator Pickles makes 2 qts.


Qt. jars with lids and rings

1 lb. Small cucumbers 2

Small, sweet onions

1 c. 1c. 2 c. 2 T.

Braggs organic Apple Cider Vinegar with mother


Granulated sugar


1t. Celery seed Wash Jars in hot soapy water and then boil in a big pot of water to sterilize. Measure all brine ingredients together in saucepan until sugar is melted. Cool completely. Slice cucumbers and onion thinly into crock bowl. Mix them up and put ½ in each jar. Pour ½ (approx.2 c.) of brine over vegetables in each jar. Fill jars to ring with cool water. Screw on lids, shake, and store in refrigerator. Can be served after 24 hours, but flavor improves after 2 days. Can be held in refrigerator for two weeks without processing.


Cowboy Caviar Serves 6

1 can 1 can 1 can

Black beans rinsed and drained Black eyed Peas rinsed and drained Red Kidney Beans rinsed and drained Frozen Shoe peg Corn thawed

2 c. 1 c. 1 c. ½ c. ½ c. ½ c. ¼ c. 1 T. 2 t. 1

Bell Pepper or Sweet Pepper any colors diced fine

Roma Tomato diced fine Red onion diced fine Jalapeno diced extra fine Fresh Cilantro chopped

Olive oil Vinegar

Sugar or sugar substitute

Spanish Gardens Taco Spice Mix ingredients well. Place in covered container. Chill well before serving. This salad hold well up to 5 days refrigerated.

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Scrumptious Eggs 9x13 casserole Bake 350° for 40 min. Serves 6

1 lb. 1 c. ¼ c.

Monterey Jack Cheese Shredded

Ham diced small

Real Butter 1 small pkg. Fresh Mushrooms sliced 1 bunch Green onion sliced 7 Eggs 1 c. Whole Milk ½ c. Heavy Cream 1T.

Cavendar’s Greek Seasoning or season to taste

Butter a 9 x 13 glass baking dish. Melt remaining butter in skillet and Sauté Mushrooms & onions. Beat eggs, cream, milk and seasoning in bowl. Evenly spread ½ of cheese in bottom of dish. Layer with diced Ham, Mushrooms, and onions. Top with remaining cheese. Pour egg mixture over casserole. Cover with foil and refrigerate overnight. In morning preheat oven to 350° and bake for 35 to 45 min. until set and very lightly browned on top. Note: If you like Tex-Mex use Pepper Jack cheese and serve with Salsa & flour tortillas.

Sloppy Joes serves 8 KANSAS PIONEER

2 lb.

Ground Beef

1 medium

Red Onion – finely chopped


Tomato sauce

1 c.


1/4 c.

Brown Sugar

1 T.

Spanish Gardens Taco Spice

3 cloves

Minced Garlic

1 T.

Cavender’s Seasoning

1t. Black Pepper Brown beef and onion together in skillet. Sprinkle on seasonings ½ way through browning. Add tomato sauce, Ketchup, Brown Sugar, and ½ c, water. Simmer until thickened. Serve on homemade (firm) bread or purchased buns.

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Raw Apple Cake

2c. 2c.

Coconut Sugar King Author Flour




Coconut oil

3 c.

Chopped apples

1t. 1t.


Cinnamon Nutmeg

¼ t. 2 t. 8oz.


Cream Cheese softened

1T 1t.


Vanilla Extract

2 1\2c. Powdered Sugar - + - ш3рт $) # + )ѵ - # / *1 ) /* тфп ڤ ' ) #*+ ++' . !$) '4ѵ ) ' -" *2' ($3 .0" -Ѷ !'*0-Ѷ . '/Ѷ $)) (*)Ѷ )0/( " ) &$)" .* ѵ / "". 2$/# *$' ) ($3 $)/* -4 $)"- $ )/.ѵ *' $) ++' .ѵ *0- $)/* +- + - ш3рт $) # + ) ) & !*- уф ($)0/ .ѵ ) **' !-*./ 2$/# - ( # . $)"ѷ ) ( $0( *2'Ѷ *( $) - ( # . Ѷ ($'&Ѷ 1 )$'' ) +$) # *! . '/ѵ - 0 ''4 .0" -Ѷ /$)" 0)/$' !-*./$)" $. .(**/#ѵ $/$*) ' ($'&Ѷ р / ' .+**) / /$( Ѷ 0)/$' !-*./$)" $. .$- *).$./ ) 4ѵ ۂ ѵ 0/. *+/$*) 'ѵ

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I have lived in Kansas for over 20 years but had never taken the time to ride horses in the beautiful Flint Hills, so when the opportunity presented itself, I knew that I wanted in! The day started early as we had to travel a couple hours to participate in this event with over 100 other horse enthusiasts. I was going to be riding Jasper, a Rocky Mountain Horse, who had never experienced the wide open space of the Flint Hills so I knew that we were both in for an adventure. We were welcomed by so many friendly faces and offered a delicious breakfast of warm biscuits and gravy which was a perfect way to start out the day! We then loaded our horses to carpool to the beginning of the trail where our adventure would begin. Jasper was calm and I breathed in the fresh air so thankful that I had this opportunity to ride with friends on this warm, summer day. Four of us started out and I believe we were one of the first groups to begin that day. A few minutes into the ride, I had a sudden and terrifying thought! Oh no, Jasper is terrified of cows and I imagine that we would be encountering many of those today. My excitement quickly turned into anxiousness as I anticipated an unpleasant encounter. Instead of enjoying the scenery, I began searching for cows so I

could turn my horse away from the cow. As my anxiousness increased, Jasper felt my nerves and so he began to get antsy. He immediately smelled a strange smell, and saw the cows before I could distract him. He acted strangely, and I could tell he was eager to race out of this situation. I held him back. I knew that I had to calm down if I wanted to enjoy this ride at all! My good friends, Melissa and Jana, sensed my apprehension and started giving me pointers on what to do. Jana instructed me to keep my horse busy by riding to the back of the pack and back up again, over and over. I was so grateful for their kind words and helpful suggestions. I listened to their wise advice and asked them to watch me to see if I was doing it right. Jana and Melissa are much more experienced than

me and I valued their advice and expertise. Pretty soon, I was able to calm myself down, and immediately Jasper followed suit. I exclaimed out loud, “Jasper is no longer afraid of cows and it is no big deal if we see one!” As my attitude changed, Jasper appeared to not care a thing about the cows! Jasper and I were able to enjoy the rest of our ride which was so incredibly scenic. I felt a sense of peace wash over me as I looked over the gentle rolling hills. There were occasional ponds dotting the fields and a warm gentle breeze inviting me to just relax and enjoy this part of the countr On the car ride home, I realized that I had learned some valuable lessons during our four hour ride. I was reminded

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that our horses mirror us and so the only reason Jasper was anxious at all was because I was believing a lie. I had worked myself up to this idea that Jasper hated cows, when in reality, he just has not been around them much and was more curious about them than hated them. I looked at Jana and Melissa talking in the front seat, laughing as they swapped stories and a big smile spread across my face. What an important lesson I learned from them. I asked for help when I needed it, I did what they said, I asked for instant feedback, and I was so grateful that they were right there when I needed them. It is vital to have people

in your life that you can trust and go to for advice! When I think back to this day, I will never forget it and the important lessons I learned. I thought this is a great example of explaining to people what I do, which is a life coach using horses.

I help people overcome lies with the help of the horses and the Holy Spirit and my clients then decide if they want to put the truth they just learned into practice. As they do, the horses give them instant feedback. This work is incredible and I am so honored to be able to offer it to others. I hope that if this opportunity to ride in the Flint Hills comes again, that you will invite your friends and have a wonderful, scenic ride in Kansas! Jayne


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Jasper A Horse with no Trust

never warmed up to people like the other foals on the ranch. Not long after his birth tragedy struck the farm. Showing and training for events came to an immediate halt. The young ones were advertised for sale, but the interested buyers/ prospects were not there to offer a good future, or going to be homes they deserved, so the offers were declined. Jasper spent the next 11 years growing up in a herd on rolling green pastures. Due to the hardship his owners went through. He was loved, fed, and cared for but he never received further training and did not ever warm up to humans. 2016 God led us to this Ranch at the Equifest he pushed me to find out more about Rocky Mountains, we landed at a booth that forever changed our lives. About 3 months later, Living Life Ranch Adopted

Jasper along with two others from the herd, Rio, and Bella. The Living Life Ranch team spent months with the horses connecting with them before moving them from their home. Jasper had the most challenging time trusting and connecting with us. Jayne one of our facilitators, was assigned to work with Jasper she was his manager. Jasper is smart he learns very quickly what we are asking. He is obedient not because he trusts us but because he just says okay, I will please you, I will do it even though I do not like it. This was his attitude from day one. You can see the white in his eyes most all the time. His expression was non trusting. He had the attitude. You can catch me but, you are going to have to work to catch me, I am not going to come easily. Grooming, Petting, riding was tolerated with lips locked, jaw clinched, eyes wide open.

Rocky Mountains have a natural affection and trust for humans, they are very curious and want to be in their human’s back pocket. They are extremely popular for many reasons. Their personality along with their beautiful colors and gait are what they are famous for. This special boy, Jasper is a black Rocky Mountain Horse, he grew up on a Rocky Mountain Ranch. Jasper stood out from the others; he was born with an unusual distrust for humans he never really warmed up to humans, he tolerated the human. His owners worked with him from the time he was born as they did all their foals. He was halter broke at the same time as the others. He was a cute black foal with a nice natural RMH gait. He

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In about 1 to 2 years in with the Rockies, we took him to a clinic where it was recommended that we return him to where we got him, because he would never work for our program. I left crying that day it was hard to hear. It Broke my heart that day, but every bone in my body told me, I could not just give up on him. I knew down deep in my soul I had to keep trying to give him a chance. He went to trainers, and we kept working on him, but he just kept giving to us everything we asked of him, but not connecting. He continued to just do it because of the ask, he never relaxed with us. Last year we took him to a sweet young lady that trains for us Elizabeth Schulte Brooke the founder of Hearts for Horses. She did and does amazing work with our Rockies.

Jasper has been with us for 6 years now; From the day we brought him home he was not a horse to come up to anyone to be petted. He would stand behind the others and wait for the humans to leave. He would shy away if anyone came up to try and pet him. Until one day. We had a family come to visit the horses. The horses walked up to the fence for the usual greeting and pets hoping for a treat. There was one little girl standing back behind her mother’s leg, you could see that she was very shy, she was 5 or 6 years old. Her mom encouraged her to go up to the fence, she hesitated but then slowly started coming up to the fence. Before I realized what was happening, I turned and looked, Jasper was there at the fence with the little girl, his head dropped down to her level. She was stroking his head. I was shocked. I leaned down to her and said that she must be super special, because Jasper never does this. He is very shy and stays away from people. She just beamed and started talking away to Jasper. I told the parents I could not believe what I was seeing. Jasper has repeated this scenario many times since that day. Only to specific people, so we know that something special is happening with him and the person he picked to connect with. He knows who needs him.

Our team started attending Faith Based Equine Assisted Philosophy certification program in 2019-2020 this is offered by “Unbridled Faith” founder Elaine Davis. We have attended several of her certifications. This year God has opened the gates for Living Life Ranch. Sending clients from all over Kansas and Missouri. Allowing the Holy Spirit to work with our team and our horses to help them begin working on the healing process. This was the year we made a breakthrough with this horse.

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This is when we noticed a change in Jasper. In the beginning we were wondering how Jasper would handle working with humans so closely. We allow our clients to select the horse of their choosing and then have the client’s work with the horse through a series of exercises. Turns out Jasper connects so much with the clients that he loves to be chosen for a session. Jasper Session We have all been shocked with how this horse has changed. He now puts his head in the halter to be selected. In a pasture He pushes his way to the front of the herd and says pick me pick me! Jasper is now relaxed with humans. His lips and jaws are no longer clinched. His body is no longer tense and stiff. Jasper has become one

of the most connected of all our horses he is so sensitive he will show our clients so much about themselves. He is so comfortable with human’s now he does not even look like the same horse. His head is down his body is relaxed. His eyes are so soft and loving. Jasper has found his purpose and he understand each human that works with him. He is amazing! If you have gained the trust of a horse, you have won a friend for life. The essential joy of being with horses is that it brings us in contact with the rare elements of grace, beauty, spirit, and freedom.

Melissa Cowan

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CHARLIE The Quarter Horse More than a name - He’s a family tradition By Gerri Groshong

“Charlie came into our family when he was a year old,” Cindy Walkup, Charlie’s owner shared with us as she began to tell His story. Charlie was purchased by her dad, Norman Watts from a friend. He was such a beautiful colt, her heart was quickly taken and she spent a lot of time being with and visiting him. In family tradition style her uncle, Alva Watts began his training when Charlie was two. student and throughout his life we could count on him to carry us through. Size for Charlie had nothing to do with heart and he continually outlasted any other horse that Alva had trained or experienced. He was not only a good student, he was an excellent teacher. He was all heart. As far as life goes, Charlie has been a part of my life for 35 years to date. I can’t remember life without him. We were Kansas natives until I turned 37. We moved to Oklahoma that year- Charlie in tow. In our new home Charlie flourished as the “community” Although small in stature, Charlie was an excellent

horse. He was a “Champion of Horse experience’s”, To the children in our community. His kindness and gentle nature made him a trusted friend and confidant. Many hours were spent with him. Many lives enriched by this beautiful four legged friend. This was Charlie’s endearing character traits to my own family as well, shared Cindy. He was the first horse my kids ever rode or knew. He was constant. They loved him then and continue to love him now.

Years later our trails led us

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back to Kansas where Charlie and my family currently reside, said Cindy. It was at this time a friend told me about a feed that was helping her mature horse flourish. I was so grateful as Charlie’s health had started to decline. Charlie was around 32 and could no longer eat hay or maintain His weight. He was wasting away before my eyes, I thought I was going to lose

him. The thought of putting him down had my heart breaking, said Cindy. I contacted Better Equine and spoke with the Barcus Family. They shared the health benefits of their feed “Total Equine”. I purchased the feed following our conversation and began using It daily as directed. Within a month I began to see a difference in his body

and energy level! This has continued and today at 35 he acts like a horse half his age! I can’t thank “Total Feeds” enough for giving my sweet Charlie back to me in ROBUST HEALTH! Adding years to our life’s story with Charlie and his loving friendship.

Cindy Walkup and Family

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Everything Horses and Livestock Magazine 29545 Pleasant Valley Road Paola, Kansas 66071

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