Wednesday Mini Mag
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Nov. 25, 2020
Service To Equine Industry Is Incentive For Horseman’s ‘Better Horses’ Ventures By Frank J. Buchman
“Unbelievable.” Everybody even vaguely familiar with the personable promoter for all horse and equine enthusiast betterment relates to the one-word quotation. It is a frequent comment from Ernie Rodina in his diverse media endeavors tied together as Better Horses LLC. This time there was a uniquely different truly surprised pitch to Rodina’s expression. He was honored with the Bud Newell Award at the meeting of the Kansas Horse Council (KHC) in Osage City. “Unbelievable,” Rodina repeated upon the announcement. “I would have never expected such an honor.
“I am so privileged to receive this award for doing what is so very close to my heart. All I have ever wanted to do is serve horses and the equine industry,” the honoree insisted. In making the announcement, Jim Thomas, KHC president, applauded Rodina of Ottawa for his broad services to everything horses. “Nobody deserves this award more than Ernie Rodina for all he does for horses and horse people,” Thomas declared.
The Bud Newell Award is presented annually to a KHC member for outstanding service to the Kansas horse industry. With the honoree selected by KHC directors, the award is named and presented in memory of KHC founder Bud Newell. Earlier during the KHC annual meeting, Rodina was the main speaker discussing his diverse horse media enterprises. “My goal is to do everything I can for betterment of horses and their owners,” he emphasized. “There is great opportunity for us to work more closely together with the Kansas Horse Council in our mutual efforts.” An account manager for Purina Mills beginning in 1978, Rodina started the Better Horses newspaper in 1998. “With my lifelong horse interests, the publication served as expansion of my service to my horse clientele,” he explained. With assistance from his wife Connie, Rodina’s Better Horses circulation totals 12,000 copies printed five times a year. “It’s actually widely read hard copy throughout the Midwest and an e-blast goes to more than 15,000 each issue. Readership multiples further with the vast website hits,” he said. “Better Horses is driven by inspirational and entrepreneurial thinking,” Rodina insisted. “It combines integrity, energy and vision through our core publishing and events business.” Popularity of the newspaper soon led to development of a weekly radio program and then a television show. “I retired from Purina seven years ago to dedicate my life to the Better Horses Network,” Rodina said.
“We are committed to delivering high quality entertaining content that gives a true reflection of the horse industry,” Rodina said. “We take pride in promoting forward-thinking products that help equestrians stay updated. “This fresh approach means Better Horses innovates with all those who interact with the business. As a direct result, exciting products and services are devised,” he continued.
Better Horses is actively involved in the industry and horse shows. “We support industry associations and professional societies,” Rodina informed. “That helps us better understand and anticipate concerns and to share our expertise.” With Dawn Dawson as his cohost since starting the radio program, Rodina discusses horse tips with today’s leading equine professionals. “We air on more than 25 stations across the country from the states of Washington to New York,” Rodina said. “We talk about God, horses, horse training, cowboys, cowgirls, rodeo, equine health, some cattle, and even about Roy Rogers. “We love horses, horse folks, and the Western Way of Life. We hope our listeners enjoy the show as much as we love doing it,” Rodina added. Joining efforts with Ed and Tara Adams, Better Horses LLC now produces a weekly Better Horses television show. “Better Horses Television is all about the love of the horse," Rodina explained. “It is our way of saying thank you to our horse friends who we have met and are meeting through this journey.”
“Each show opens with a prayer,” Rodina explained about his folksy delivery. “It sets the tone and tells people what we’re all about.” Rodina is an equal opportunity horseman with the show covering every equine discipline. He also records segments for the show at approximately 25 horse events a year. Keeping it cowboy Rodina reads from the Roy Rogers’ Cowboy Code to the tune of “Happy Trails.” He’s even developed the sign off: “Be good buckaroos and buckarettes.” “We continue to work hard to improve our programs and make them available to more horse enthusiasts,” Rodina said. “We are excited to announce that Ron McDaniel, a tremendous cowboy poet and horse enthusiast, is joining our airwave programs. “Part horseback rider, part national equine sales director, Ron decided early on he wanted to serve agriculture,” Rodina said. “For 30 years, Ron has been working in animal health. He loves his career because of the difference he makes in animals’ lives.” With intentions to have a worldwide horse network, Rodina is rapidly moving in that direction. “Thanks to Ed Adams, our Better Horses Radio Show will soon be on Sirius Satellite Radio Channel 147,” Rodina said. With listeners throughout North America, Canada and Mexico, it’ll air Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 8 o’clock beginning December 16. Rodina, 65, has been diagnosed with the Lewy body dementia, a terminal disease. “With my limited time in this life, I am making the full use of it in public testimonies,” Rodina said. “I have a direct relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ and I have turned my life over to his way. “Nobody is going to get out of this world alive. You must realize Jesus Christ is your only salvation,” Rodina proclaimed.
Details about Rodina’s horse publication and programs can be found at
CUTLINES Ernie Rodina, Ottawa, has been honored with the Bud Newell Award by the Kansas Horse Council (KHC). Jim Thomas, KHC president, and Justine Staten, KHC executive director, made the presentation recognizing Rodina for his outstanding service to the horse industry.
At the annual meeting of the Kansas Horse Council in Osage City, Ernie Rodina of Better Horses LLC encouraged increased cooperation between the two groups for more service to the horse industry.
From the Kansas Horse Council Office of Justine Staten;
Call to Action for FY21 Spending Bill...
As Congress convenes the "lame duck" session following the election, lawmakers will consider Federal spending bills for the Fiscal Year 2021, including funding for the Dept. of Veterans Affairs and other agencies. In late July, Representative Andy Barr (R-KY) inserted an amendment into House version of FY2021 spending bill for the Veterans Affairs that would allocate $5 million for Equine Assisted Therapy (EAT)
within the Adaptive Sports Program under VA. If enacted into law, this would more than double the funding resources of Equine Assisted Therapy compared to allocations in past spending bills. Because the Senate version of the spending bill does not include an equivalent provision for Equine Assisted Therapy, lawmakers must adopt the House version in the final spending package. Contact your Senators today and urge them to adopt the House version of the Fiscal Year 2021 spending bill for Veterans Affairs, which supports Equine Assisted Therapy for U.S. veterans. NOTE: The current spending bill expires Dec. 11th, so it's important to take action now! Use this Easy Link provided by the American Horse Council to send a templated message directly to YOUR senator!
happy thanksgiving
Thankfulness In Troubled Times
“Oh how can things get any worse?” The comment has been heard frequently over the past several months. Yet common opinion seems to be that many considered problems have continued to deteriorate from day to day. It is true according to folks who closely study history; today’s worldwide dilemmas are the most serious of all time. However, that is opinionated evaluation of sorts. Those who have lost family members during wars or due to incurable disease thought nothing could be more terrible. Ones with physical body incapacities or loss of comprehension and memory just know there can’t be anything else so bad. Couples unable to have children, losing a baby during birthing or death of a child in growing years feel defeated. Persons going through the 1929 market crash, Great Depression, Dust Bowl wondered how anything could be so merciless. Agriculturalists stricken by the 1980’s high interest, low prices, bankruptcies, loss of generational farms still can’t comprehend that difficult time. Each era, there has been the question: “How can life get any worse?”
Never are the dreadful experiences forgotten always remaining with eternal sadness and apprehension. Time does not completely heal everything. Life does go on with continuing challenges which must be met with relentless determination and
faith. The worst griefs and discouragements are always followed by better days. During this season, despite problematic issues there is much to be thankful for.
Life is quite simple regardless of many expecting so much more from it. If there’s food for nourishment, clothes for body cover, roof overhead protection from elements, family, friends and faith that’s sufficient. Those realizing and appreciating down-to-earth living are happiest of all. Luxurious homes, fancy cars, diamond jewelry, lots of money in the bank are all so unimportant. It’s easy to look around communities and see those without high society lives are the happiest. Instead of harping about all of the existing problems, now is the time to be thankful for all there is. Pessimists predict increased health and economic issues, deterioration of society, and they could be right Records reveal whenever situations have seemed at the very lowest, there has been recovery. Times have become better than ever before. Those days are ahead. Reminded of Jeremiah 30:20: “The world will turn around thrive and flourish as thanksgivings pour from the windows.”
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